Brian sold his postal center last month to a man that he had met through the store who had a couple other locations and really seemed interested in the store. Unfortunately, the guy needed to finance the purchase amount through us, and because my husband has a heart of gold, he said okay. At the time, Brian thought that he was going to open a new store in a better location, so it was a good thing that he was selling this one. A couple of weeks later, the new store deal falls through and Brian was then in the position where he was going to just have to find a job. A couple more weeks roll around and Brian goes to the old store to collect rent and the monthly store payment, and what does he find...nothing! Literally, nothing. The guy cleaned out the store and locked the doors.
After a couple of hours of absolute panic, Brian finally got in touch with the man who in a round about way, just said he couldn’t do it anymore and told him that his ex-wife had been tearing up all of his other stores and he was afraid that she would hit that one...blah, blah, blah..... So, now Brian has an empty store and the guy pretty much ran all of the business out of there while he was there, therefore no business either. So, Brian gets back in there and pieces it together as much as he can with the stuff that he had kept with the intentions of going to the new store and starts calling mail box holders and asking them to come back. It only took him about a week to get it back and going again and he put it on Craig’s List and has a new purchaser.
The people that are buying the store now are a couple who don’t need a lot to run on, but would like to try and make the store a bit more successful. Brian ran his ideas that he had envisioned for the store and the couple liked them all. So now, my poor thing, is having to set this couple up with the exact setup that Brian has been working so hard to try and build himself, but then he’ll have to walk away when it’s over.
I really feel bad for him! So with all that said, please keep him in your prayers that this deal doesn’t go anything like the last one and that he finds a job soon that he won’t be miserable in!