Well, that is what it was supposed to be anyways.
Me and Anthony had to make a quick trip to Ross to return a car that he got a couple of days ago that didn't work and then to Braum's for a gallon of milk. Sounds easy, right...wrong.
I load Anthony into the car and head off down the road. A couple of minutes into our trip Anthony screams "Mom!! Stop the car!!" from the backseat. I freak and quickly ask WHAT!?! He tells me that Clifford (yeah, the big red dog) has wiggled out of his seat belt and he didn't want to get a ticket. Aggghhh! Really?
Okay, nerves back to normal and we pull in to Ross. I make the 'okay, we're just running in and returning this and then we're out' speech and we head in the store. We stand in line for a bit...apparently a bit to long, because now Anthony is itching to go and see if they have another car to replace the one that we are returning. "Just real quick mommy, pretty please" (insert puppy dog eyes here). Okay, how do I say no to that? Alright. But just real quick. Return was finally made and we head to the back of the store where they keep the toys. After ENTIRELY too long, Anthony finally sets his sights on a truck that is pulling a trailer with a four wheeler on the back. Yay, we get to leave. Nope. He has bow discovered that they actually have three similar trucks, one white with a green four wheeler, one grey with a red four wheeler and one yellow with a tractor. Now to decide on color. I think I want the white one...no the grey one...no maybe the red one (of course all of these decisions are made as we are making our way back to the front of the store with the current decision). Okay, finally he decided on the white one with the green four wheeler and I decided that I have had enough so this decision was final. We check out and head out to the car. I get Anthony strapped in (and anyone with a toddler knows this can be a big task in itself!) and I go around to get in the car, seat belt on, car started and Anthony says, 'Oh no! Clifford!! I left him in the store.' Arrghh!! I turn off the car, unbuckle Anthony and back in the store we go. Luckily we found Clifford hiding under the two unpicked trucks and head on out again. Now off to Braum's for some milk.
We get to Braum's and as always, Anthony wanted to be my 'big helper', so he ran to the cooler, grabbed a gallon of milk and we head up to the register to check out. We get to the counter and I watched as Anthony hoists the milk above his head (to put it on the counter) and then behind his head because he has now lost control and then in horror, I watch the explosion as it hits the floor. Clean up on Aisle 1! He totally soaked an older gentleman who I probably apologized 100 times to and there was milk on everything within a 50 feet radius.
I was mortified, but as the saying goes, don't cry over spilled (or exploded) milk.