The other day, we found that our frogs are back. They haven't completely moved back in to the hole next to the front door, but I think that might have a bit to do with the duck who is perched nearby. Sorry no pictures of the frogs...use your imagination! :)
To top it all off, Brian found a robins nest with four bright blue eggs on top of a phone box on the outside of our garage. Luckily this wasn't discovered until after Easter, because that could have turned tragic! But now, every time that you walk out of the garage, momma robin flys off of the nest and sits on the fence and squawks at you. It's lovely.
Oh, and did I mention that we also have a family of aggressive squirrels living in our attic (and no Sean, they don't bark). I have complained about them for a while so Brian heard one the other day and decided to make his way into the attic to see where they were getting in at. He told me that he saw the squirrel sitting near a hole that is in the front of the house and instead of being afraid of Brian, which is what he expected, he said that the squirrel hissed at him and got angrier and angrier the closer Brian approached. Brian said that with the string of luck that we have had lately, he decided not to battle the squirrel. No pictures of the squirrels either, although I do have video of one of them stealing an entire corn cob off of the bird feeder (which I later found out, was actually a squirrel feeder and is no longer on the tree) : {
It really is a zoo around here!
1 comment:
You're right! You do have a zoo. Rivaling Grandma and Granddaddy now. We have 3 big cats, 4 new kittens, 3 horses, two dogs, and a partridge in a pear tree. Just kidding about the partridge.
Do you need some cats?
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