Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Things seem like they have gone a mile a minute around here lately! As most everyone knows our Winnie Winnie the Wonder Kitty passed away a couple of months ago which seemed to open the door for all kinds of doom. Soon after that our dog Sadie was hit by a car and because of the accident, we had to amputate her right front leg. In the midst of all of that, my uncle passed away from a very untimely stroke and Brian's uncle passed away after a long battle with cancer. I joked (as I often do at the most inappropriate times) that it wasn't a good time to be related to us. Terrible, I know...

On a bit of a happier note, Brian is doing well with his company. I have just started a new job, J-Bug only has 5 weeks of school left until she becomes a mighty 7th grader (insert vomit sound here) and Anthony has started in an in home preschool program. On an even better note, after years (no seriously, years!) of searching, we have finally found a church home. Thank you Jesus!!

I know it's not much, and if you follow me on Facebook (the main reason for the slow impending death of my blog) you've probably already read most of this, but for those who don't, now you're all caught up on the going ons around here.

Love you all!


Lindsay said...

I knew it all, but I love reading it here!!

Anonymous said...

Too much water drowned the miller.