I know, I know, it's been a while since I last blogged, but honestly, nothing has really happened. Jaiden is still rocking on in school and Anthony has been teething so that has been absolutely NO fun at all! We have tried everything and I think that he is just really irritated by the pain at this point. He's still a really happy baby, just grumpy at times when his mouth hurts, but I can totally understand, there is no pain as bad as mouth pain! Other than that, he is just growing and growing! It seems that every day he has mastered some new trick that absolutely amazes us.
But, like I said, we really haven't had much of anything going on other than the same ole, same ole so I'll try and convince the kiddo's or maybe even the husband unit to do something spectacular so that I can write about it!
Hope all is well with everyone!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Well, with the combination of way too much going on and just sheer exhaustion, it's been a bit since I last posted, but don't give up on me quite yet!
On Saturday, I had lunch with a friend of mine (Alecia) that I had lost touch with for about the last three years and it was so great! Funny thing, since we have been out of touch, we have both found the right guy and both had babies. She had a little girl, Ali, on the 11th of October (which will be easy to remember because Brian's birthday is the 12th). She is precious and her other two (Summer and Bree) have really grown into beautiful young ladies!
Also, I found out on Saturday that I am going to be an Aunt again! How exciting is that!!! Doug and Cassie are having their second little one. Now I'm just waiting on hearing the news from Ryan and Lindsay!! ; )
Brian has been busy working on a contract job. Good thing is that he gets to work from home, and he really seems to be enjoying it! He likes the company and actually has an interview with them on Thursday to become a permanent sales rep for them.
I'm still working two days a week and I really enjoy it too. Hard thing is that we are constantly having to ask Grammy or Aunt Elicia to watch the booger and we're afraid we're going to wear out our welcome soon! Hopefully, once he gets to be one or so, I won't have such a problem talking him to a day care, but it's just too much for me right now.
Sorry to cut this short, but I have to run and get Miss Jaiden from school and then I am going to pick up little man's pictures from Target. They were supposed to be in yesterday, but AGAIN, the order got mixed up. Anyways, I'm sure I'll be sending out pictures soon so be on the lookout.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful week and a romantic valentines day!
Talk to you later~
On Saturday, I had lunch with a friend of mine (Alecia) that I had lost touch with for about the last three years and it was so great! Funny thing, since we have been out of touch, we have both found the right guy and both had babies. She had a little girl, Ali, on the 11th of October (which will be easy to remember because Brian's birthday is the 12th). She is precious and her other two (Summer and Bree) have really grown into beautiful young ladies!
Also, I found out on Saturday that I am going to be an Aunt again! How exciting is that!!! Doug and Cassie are having their second little one. Now I'm just waiting on hearing the news from Ryan and Lindsay!! ; )
Brian has been busy working on a contract job. Good thing is that he gets to work from home, and he really seems to be enjoying it! He likes the company and actually has an interview with them on Thursday to become a permanent sales rep for them.
I'm still working two days a week and I really enjoy it too. Hard thing is that we are constantly having to ask Grammy or Aunt Elicia to watch the booger and we're afraid we're going to wear out our welcome soon! Hopefully, once he gets to be one or so, I won't have such a problem talking him to a day care, but it's just too much for me right now.
Sorry to cut this short, but I have to run and get Miss Jaiden from school and then I am going to pick up little man's pictures from Target. They were supposed to be in yesterday, but AGAIN, the order got mixed up. Anyways, I'm sure I'll be sending out pictures soon so be on the lookout.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful week and a romantic valentines day!
Talk to you later~
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Barrera Look-alike Meter
Well, if it had been any other way, we night have had to ask some questions!!
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
Monday, February 4, 2008
The Weekend...I hope you have a minute...or thirty!
Since I already filled everyone in on what was happening throughout the week, I thought I would share our weekend with ya...

On Friday, we pretty much did nada!!! Anthony was feeling pretty yucky so we just stuck around the house. Brian went to Wal-mart and bought him a fancy aquarium humidifier, so he (Anthony) could finally get some good sleep.
On Saturday, Jaiden went to a friend's house to spend the night...(YIPPEE, she's finally un-grounded...and the countdown had already began for the next one!) And on Saturday night, Brian went out with some friends of his and had a 'guys night out', so I decided to go through a box of old pictures and stuff that I had from my Mom's house* (which is now my Dad's house). Anywhoo, going through an old box like that is about as cool as finding a hidden treasure! I remember when my Dad gave it to me, but I don't think that I had the time to really look through it as I transferred the stuff into a more storable box that I kept under my bed. I found old pictures and letters of my Mom's and then stuff from me, Doug, Ryan and Sean as we were growing up. Because I was at the house alone, I decided to put our new scanner/copier/fax machine/toaster oven (okay so I added the toaster oven thing, but I am almost willing to bet that it'll do it) into use and started scanning stuff in and e-mailing it to Mom. We talked on the phone as we looked through the stuff and we laughed and laughed and then she was telling me stories about some of the older pictures, it was a really nice moment for me! Okay, sorry, I got a little deep into that, so moving on....
* I actually didn't decide to go through this box, but as I was walking through my bedroom, the box had somehow inched it's way out from underneath my bed just enough to catch my big toe as I was walking by....after a few choice words...that I said to myself of course (my Grandparents do read this ya know) I pulled it out and well, I had nothing else to do soooo...
Sunday was Superbowl Day!!! Jaiden went to see the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus (Aunt Elicia, I still have your Billy Ray Cyrus CD and will return it to you soon...I'm sorry!) concert movie and Brian, Anthony and I went to a friends house to watch the big game! Unfortunately, I didn't get to see much (err..ANY) of the game, but I still had a really good time. Anthony had a mini stalker at the house that we were at. Every time he would fall asleep a little radar would go off in this little girl's head (the little girl's name is Indigo and she is SO CUTE!) and she was quite insistant that Anthony wanted her to hold him. So I finally did what any great mother would do...I hid him in one of the upstairs bedrooms. When he fell asleep, of course Indigo's radar went off and she was searching the house for him. I met her on the stairs and she asked me where he was. I told her that I hid him from her and she looked me square in the eye and said, "I'm gonna find your baby!" Okay, so it scared me a little, but as most three years olds do, she lost interest in about a minute and then Gia (the other little precious girl at the party) walked by and that was all of that. After the game was over, we picked up Jaiden, got home around 10:30 and I fell asleep around 11:30. I haven't been asleep before 11:30 in four months...it was absolutely amazing!
Unfortunately, my early bedtime didn't last as long as I would have liked. You see, when we got home I told Jaiden to make sure that when she got up for school the next morning to immediately get into the shower since she didn't have one that night. I told her to make sure that she set her alarm clock for 7:00. We normally get up at that time...okay, so she normally gets up at that time and gets herself ready for school and then we make sure that she is at school by 7:45. So, this morning, Jaiden comes into my bedroom and asks me if she could take a shower in my bathroom, I said yes and turned back over. When she got out of the shower, I then took my place in the bathroom and washed off my face and brushed my teeth. I knew that I couldn't really go back to bed because I had to go to work this morning. As I am brushing my teeth, Jaiden walks in the bathroom with a hideous outfit on and I tell her to go find something else to wear. Of course it could NEVER be that easy, so she pouts off to her room telling me that she has NOTHING to wear and I follow (yes, I know Mom, 'the rest of my life', thanks). I get into her closet and start picking out something for her to wear when my sub-conscience is thinking that it's probably getting pretty close to 7:30 or so by this time so I ask Jaiden what time it is. (Sidebar...I don't have an alarm clock in my bedroom so I am 100% clueless as to what the time is.) Jaiden then looks at me with one of those dear in the headlights look and tells me 'Six O'Eight". Six o'clock in the morning.....and I'm up.....and my four month old is still sleeping...do you have any idea of what precious sleep time that is just being lost, because Jaiden decided to just wake up an hour and a half before we were supposed to. I wanted to cry. Needless to say, Jaiden and I had a nice long morning with our hot tea, we curled our hair and Jaiden picked out my outfit for the day. Then it was off to school for Jaiden and I went to work.
And that brings me here. Sitting in front of the computer at 12:42 in the a.m. My poor husband is in the other room while I am neglecting him of all of his time with me...and yes, he looks forward to the time that I make him spend with me...hehe!
Well, I hope that everyone has a wonderful week.
I love you all!
Oh yeah, I had Anthony's pictures done last week at Target and although I don't have the actual photo's back yet, here are some of the proofs that they emailed to me....

Friday, February 1, 2008
Sick Boy
I took Anthony to the doctor today and we found out that he has the Croup. Poor little thing! His voice is almost gone and he sounds like a little seal. He was sooo fussy last night and he stayed up until 4:30 this morning. The only way that he was happy was if I was holding him up and walking around. He was so sad and clingy all night, he would just bury his head into my chest and hum, it was so freakin cute, sad...but absolutely adorable!
Anyways, pray for us to have a half way peaceful night tonight! I'll post again tomorrow to let you know how he is feeling.
Anyways, pray for us to have a half way peaceful night tonight! I'll post again tomorrow to let you know how he is feeling.
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