Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Holidays....just a little late.

I know it’s been a while since any thing has been written here, so here I go.....

First off, I never got to the herbal remedy thing below, so I truly have no idea whether it works or not, sorry...okay, now we can get on with things~

Since I haven’t even written since Christmas, I will tell you that we had a great one! The weekend before Christmas, we did our annual get-together at Aunt Linda’s house which was as always packed, crazy and so much fun! Early Christmas Eve was spent at Rey and Anna’s house. They gave our family a Wii for Christmas (so awesome!) and then later that night, we went home and my mom and little brother spent the night at our house. Shockingly enough, Santa did make a visit to our house and left a mess of toys! We are still finding little balls of wrapping paper here and there!

Those who know me know that “Thank You” cards are not usually something that I ever actually get around to doing (I have at least 200 in my desk at home partially filled out) and this year will be no different. I do appreciate all of the wonderful gifts that anyone got for me and for my family and I am expressing that if you don’t get a note stating this same exact thing, please don’t be mad, I just really have no time!!! ; )

New Years Eve we went to Gatti Town with our friends Jared and Amber and their son Garrett. After Gatti Town Brian, Jaiden and I all stayed up and watched the ball drop and then Jaiden crashed pretty quickly after that did Brian and I! ; )

Our last “holiday” dinner happened last night...a little late, but we made it. Phillip, Elicia, Lacie, Lori, Mema and James all came over. We obviously had to host considering one member of my family (A.R.B.) is considered “high risk liability” when taken into anyone else’s home. We had a great dinner and then out came the Wii! Let me tell you, there is no fun like watching your Grandmother play a rivaling game of Wii tennis. I laugh, but that was only before Mema kicked all of our butts in bowling. Boy, that’ll get ya! ; )

So, that was all of our holiday ruckuses!! I have several more stories that all deserve their own post including one of me and my mom turning her hair electric orange (don’t worry Mom, there aren’t any pics) and also Anthony’s first shiner (that I do have pictures!)....

I hope that everyone else’s holidays were as wonderful as our were and I’ll get all of these other stories out of my head and onto my screen soon!

1 comment:

Ryan, Lindsay, Kai, Andrew, and Malia said...

I want to hear both of those stories... post them soon!!