Monday, January 19, 2009

Oh what a night...

Anthony came home from the sitters today in a real bad mood!! He is having allergy issues and is just fed up with everything (and everyone). After throwing countless fits, screaming and stomping, I threw him in the tub around 8'ish. BTW this is after I screwed up dinner and Brian had to make an emergency run to Taco Bueno. For whatever reason, Anthony wasn't quite digging the bathtub experience so he got out, I got him all dried off, brushed his hair and his teeth and then rubbed him down with baby vapor rub.

Because Anthony was in such a hurry to get out of the bath, I didn't drain the tub and thought that I had locked the door behind me when I walked out. Apparently, I didn't! I went into the kitchen to get his milk for the night and when I came back into his bedroom, he wasn't there. I turned around and looked across the hallway to see my fully clothed baby IN the bathtub playing as if he were supposed to be there. I almost died!

Yes, I realize the danger and trust me I was feeling it all last night. Thankfully, nothing horrible happened and we can now look back on it and giggle!

On a better note, Brian and I had a parent - teacher conference with Jaiden's teacher yesterday who told us that she was doing so much better and has improved so much over the year. Progress, progress, progress! I was so happy to hear it! And, she passed ALL of her classes this semester! Yeah for Jaiden!!!!

1 comment:

Ramblings of An Aging Mind said...

So glad all was well with Anthony - I imagine he was having a big time there in the tub with all those toys. And a BIG congratulations to Jaiden for the passing grades. Good for her.