Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mom's Electric Orange Hair Experience...

Saturday my Mom calls me and tells me that she dyed her hair and she couldn’t tell if she liked it or not and wanted me to “be the judge”. She comes over on Sunday with the main intention of going to get her newly dyed hair cut after I judged the color. She came in and I told her that although the color was cute, it kind of had a pink tone to know what I mean, like the little old ladies that walk around with blue hair, that kind. So, she decides that after she gets her hair cut, she wants to go to Sally’s and get some more dye to get the pink out. While at Sally’s, the lady working who insisted that we all know “she had her license” (she must have said it a million times) gets us all fixed up and gives us exact directions for us to follow to achieve Mom’s desired color. We get home and do exactly what the lady told us to do and unfortunately, desired color...not so much.

Mom stepped out of the shower and came in and the look on my face must have said it all, because she panicked and she hadn’t even seen a mirror yet. Her hair was a color of orange that I cannot do justice to by putting it into words. She looked like a cartoon character.

After we all got our giggles out, well, just Jaiden and I because Mom wasn’t finding the hilarity in it like us, I went back to Sally’s and found the lady that has her license, (which she did tell me four more times this go around) and explained to her that something in her last concoction went horribly wrong and we needed to fix it because Mom had to go to work tomorrow. The lady that has her license told me that the chemicals in the box that Mom had used on Saturday must have counter-acted with the chemicals that she gave us (nice cover up for her, huh) so we were going to need to strip Moms hair and then add a new color to it. I buy all of the stuff, which also included a special shampoo and conditioner for "overly processed hair", get home and we put the chemical stripper on her hair, wait twenty minutes, she rinses it out and then we put on the new color with all of our fingers crossed. Oh, I should also mention that by this time it is past 6:00 and Sally’s is now closed, so we were all praying that this worked.

Thirty minutes later Mom steps out of the shower again and although it didn’t quite have the “electric orange” tone to it, it was still orange. I felt so bad for her. She just went home.

She told me that after she got home and looked in the mirror a million times and cried a bucket of tears, she finally just packed up and went down to Wal-Mart and bought another chemical stripper and another box of dye, went home stripped it again and then dyed it dark brown. She said that after she rinsed all of the dye out of her hair (the Fourth time), she didn’t even go to the mirror. She had to work herself up to walk into the bathroom and look. Luckily the fourth time ended up being the charm. She told me that she can’t even touch her scalp after all of the chemicals that she ended up putting on it. She also told me that she will NEVER, EVER try and color her hair herself again.

Here's just a quick review of what this little adventure cost her...

2 boxes of hair color from the grocery store...........$20.00
Chemicals from Sally’s.................................$25.00
2 Chemical Strippers...................................$20.00
Special Shampoo & Conditioner
(for overly processed hair)............................$10.00
Grand Total............................................$75.00

Mom’s bad hair dye job..............................................................$10.00
What it took to fix Mom’s bad hair dye job................................$65.00
The look on Mom’s face after the first orange experience..........Priceless!


Ryan, Lindsay, Kai, Andrew, and Malia said...

that is so funny. Everyone needs a hair dye horror story.

Ramblings of An Aging Mind said...

Too funny!! I can imagine your Mom's eyes when she first saw the result.
Enjoyed the post. Glad all is well now.

Anonymous said...

next time just tell her to call your sister -in-law!!she's a LISCENSED professional.GOOBERS