We see how he felt about that!
Anthony tried his first couple of bites of applesauce and I am truly afraid of this child when he starts really eating. He LOVES his food!!
And Jaiden was quite the lady with her honey bbq wings...
Then on Friday, Brian and I jet setted off to Arizona.
I have to say that I was really worried about leaving Anthony for the first time over night, but we both survived and it was a nice get away for me and the hubby!
Anywho, we got to Phoenix and had our business meeting and all went really really well. Brian talked his talk and I smiled and nodded as if I had some understanding as to what was being talked about! We really didn't have a lot of time to do anything so we just drove around Friday night and had dinner and then Saturday morning we got up and Brian took me up South Mountain. It was beautiful! I took a thousand or so pictures, but photos could not capture the true beauty that we saw. Being born and raised in and around the Dallas area mountains aren't something that we see everyday...err every...so to get to drive to the top of one and look out at the land around was awesome! I'll put them in a slideshow for all to see...
Grammy stayed with the kiddos while me and Brian were in Phoenix and I'm not sure that I will ever be able to convince her to come over again! For starters, Jaiden invited a friend over, yet she failed to mention it to me or her dad so you can imagine Grammy's surprise when she showed up to pick up Miss Jaiden and she had another little girl in tow. Needless to say, Jaiden is grounded and as of yesterday has the cleanest bedroom on the block! Then, I didn't get a chance to go to the grocery store before we left so Grammy had to make Lord only knows how many different trips to the grocery store and to McDonald's. So with that said, I want to make a public apology to Grammy! I am so sorry and I promise that you won't have to work your tailend off next time that you come over.
Well, as you can see it was an exciting week at Casa de Barrera! Thanks for taking the time to listen to my madness!
I love you all!!
Okay, I was going to put in a slide show of all of our pics, but it won't work so here ya go! Let me know what you think!Wow...my husband is HOT!
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