Friday, January 30, 2009

25 Random Things About Moi....

Okay, so there are emails going around right now about 25 random things about yourself. The geenral idea is that you give 25 factoids about yourself (dreams, hopes, wishes, or used-to-be's), share them with your friends and then they reply back sharing with their friends and so on and so on....I decided to share mine.

1. I love shoes more than any normal person! I notice EVERYBODY’s shoes!!

2. I always wanted a sister...I have three wonderful brothers, but a sister would have been super!

3. I am gullable...and no they didn't take the word out of the dictionary, I already checked.

4. I don’t talk to any of my close (well...used to be) high school friends anymore. : (

5. I bought duplicate tiaras for my wedding (just in case something happened to one) only to realize that both were still lying on the bed at our hotel as I was walking down the aisle.

6. I talk to my mom every day.

7. I love the Parent Trap movie and will watch it every time it is on.

8. I can recite the movies Tombstone, Grease and South Park, Bigger Longer and Uncut from any given point!

9. I’m not a “social butterfly”, but I wish I were!

10. My hands sweat..especially when I am’s disgusting!

11. I hate confrontation more than any human on this planet! I won’t even look someone in the eye if I accidentally cut them off in traffic.

12. I love watching sports. Not just a background watcher either...I am a true sports junkie!

13. I have worked for a total of 2 companies since entering the workforce 9 years ago.

14. I could listen to my Kunkle (uncle) play Floyd Cramer’s Last Date over and over again!

15. I am a lightweight when I drink and normally order my drinks in a tall glass with only half a shot of rum so I don’t pass out half way through the evening!

16. I care WAY too much about what others’s a fault.

17. My grandparents recited the nursery rhyme “Little Miss Muffet” to me so much I actually thought it was about me. I was devastated when everyone in pre-school knew my rhyme!

18. When I was in high school, I wanted to be a paralegal, drive a Jetta and work downtown...when I accomplished that goal relatively quick; I realized I set my goals a little too low. ; )

19. I wish I had one of those “drop boards” they use on the radio to use in normal everyday conversation. (I would be the chronic over-user!)

20. I like my job, but am considering a possible change soon.

21. I proofread everything...even stuff I can’t change.

22. I am addicted to celebrity gossip, not national enquirer bad, but all the blogs!

23. When I was a baby, I would only go to sleep if ACDC’s Hell’s Bells was playing...hmmmm.

24. My daughter was born with a hemangioma that wrapped around her windpipe and had to wear a trach for the first 10 months of life. By the grace of God, literally, it just went away one trace, no scar was a true miracle!

25. It was a rare occasion to ever see me cry until after I had my I cry at everything!


Ramblings of An Aging Mind said...

Love your 25 things, Mistie. Didn't know ALL that about you. Such creative answers. Don't think I even filled mine out because I didn't think they'd be very interesting in the first place. Good for you!!

Anonymous said...

as per question #2, you've got a sister...ME
luv, Aunt Jay